Essential in Light of Eternity

Michael RyanLeave a Comment

We have all had to redefine for ourselves a new understanding of what is essential and what is not in this strange pandemic season that is ongoing. Many were able to work from home but medical professionals, first responders and many low-wage workers didn’t have that flexibility. Many, long before the pandemic viewed a strong connection to a local church something that they could safely set aside. But this directly contradicts God’s instruction that applies to every believer. There can be no exceptions: 

Hebrews 10:24–25 (ESV) And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 

Effectively caring for the well-being of our family and friends and neighbors and even our country and the world begins with thinking hard about how to encourage one another toward love and good deeds. I don’t know anyone who does not think that we need more love and more good deeds. This is true right now more than ever. A painful example of this hit me yesterday as I was reading the sad story of a pedestrian who was struck and killed not far from our home. I know better than to do this, but I decided to check the comments section on the online story. Right away commenters expressed cruel sentiments that showed no concern for the victims involved. There’s no way that a person who could write in that way had at any time recently worshipped the Lord Jesus who suffered for his enemies and laid down his life for his friends.  

The writer of Hebrews makes clear that the primary way that God’s people are to think hard about how to stir one another up toward love and good deeds is to meet together for worship and encouragement. This is even more so given the great trauma that hangs like a fog over the country in this time of confusion, sickness, death, and division.  

In light of eternity, I urge you to recognize that nothing is more essential than your strong commitment to a local church body. If you attend faithfully in person, recognize that this step is a major first step to fueling your love for God and for your neighbors. If you are still virtual only, do everything you can to cooperate with your small group and let us know you are present in worship. We also encourage you to engage in person as soon as you can safely do so. If you have disconnected, we want to help you to get reconnected. Please let us know how we can help.  

In Christ,  


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