The Meaning Behind the Word One

Michael RyanLeave a Comment

This year will be the third year we will be launching One Worship. Some of you might be asking why we call it One Worship and the meaning behind the word One? The name One came through the thought of One God, One Church, One Worship. What exactly does that mean?

One God

The Christian Bible is very clear we worship One God. We believe in trinitarian monotheism, which means one God who exists in a triune being, or, in traditional Christian language, one God in three personal distinctions. Trinity is fundamentally a New Testament Doctrine, but there are some hints in the Old Testament. Some Old Testament examples are Genesis 1:26 and Isaiah 6:8 used the first person plural, “our” and “us.” Another example is the word used for “one” in the Shema (proclaiming the absolute unity of God), Deuteronomy 6:4. In the New Testament, we read how the Father, Son, and Spirit are one (John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 28:19-20), but there exists some distinction between them, for they exist in relationship one to the other. Some examples of this, but not limited to, the Father and Son talk, the Spirit fills Jesus, and Jesus sends the Spirit. Doctor John S. Hammet explains the Trinity this way, “Try to explain it, and you’ll lose your mind; But try to deny it, and you’ll lose your soul.” Another thing to think about is 1x1x1=1.

One Church

We believe God calls all believers to One Church. The word church comes from the Greek word, ekklesia meaning called out. An example of this is looking at the universal church. The word universal church serves to denote the whole body of Christ throughout the world. Some examples where this is found in scripture are 1 Corinthians 10:32; 11:32; 12:28; Galatians 1:13; and Ephesians 1:22. One of our hopes with One Worship is unity between other churches and denominations. Some of One Worship speakers, band members, and production team come from other churches and denominations that are not part of Bethany Place Baptist Church or the Southern Baptist Denomination. Other churches represented are Clover Hill Church, Destination Church, and Third Church.

One Worship

Lastly, we believe that all people are called to worship God. To God, we give the glory. Our goal in One Worship is to glorify God above everything else. To glorify Him among all people, throughout the Richmond Area. How do we do this? By worshipping God through music. Not just the singers and band singing, but that everyone there will sing along with the bands. We all worship something, and here at One Worship that is God.

Why Good Friday?

Christ died on the cross for our sins on Good Friday. To us, there is no better way to celebrate this than with a group of people throughout the Richmond Area. Everyone is welcome! We hope you can come and join us on April 10th at 6:30pm to worship with us. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to this event. This event is a fun family-friendly event for everyone in the Richmond Area.


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